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Botanics @ Lanloch Farm

Woodcraft Events

Participant Quotes

“I’ve never been green fingered so I wasn’t sure how I’d get on. I remember my first day, feeling apprehensive. Am I ready for this? Is my head ready? Still feeling extremely tearful. I was anxious about all of that. People made me feel so comfortable asking if I would like a tea or a coffee. We sat down in the polytunnel with our drinks, and I thought, this is nice. It was as if someone had taken the panic away. Then I met the dogs and I melted. I’m such a doggy person. That was it for me. (Some of the team members bring their dogs to work.) Our job that day was to plant out the parsley. I was being really neat and tidy putting them in rows. One of the guys was passing me the plants, and he said, oh, I’ll not give you this one. And it was right tiny. Tiddly. I said, give it here, that’s mine. I planted it, and it grew and grew until it became the biggest of the lot. I’ve always had a reason to get up, but for other people, not me. Now Wednesdays and Fridays are my days. They’re for me”
“I am part of Clydesdale Community Mental Health Team as an Occupational Therapist. New Shoots is a resource that both I and patients that I have referred, have found to be of great value. It has offered individuals the chance to effectively build on positive coping strategies, to encourage independence in managing the impact of their mental health conditions in a safe and supportive environment, to build on practical skills, improve the drill. It made me feel good that I was showing them what to do.” “I get up early and feel excited on the days I’m coming to CCI and it makes me feel confident and happy.” “I’ve had a lot of bad times in the past and bad things happened to me. I had no confidence, but my confidence is coming back and CCI makes me feel that I’m worth something.”
Hanging Basket Workshop

Come join us for a hanging basket workshop where you can plant up your own 12″ or 14” rattan basket,…

Langloch Farm Nature Play
The Barn Tea Room & Gift Shop
Planter full of flowers from our market garden
Market Garden
Langloch Farm Market Garden

The benefits of gardening and growing for mental health are well documented and at CCI it is a cornerstone of what we…

New Range of Gifts
Langloch Farm Botanics
The Barn at Langloch with flowers External
The Barn Tearoom
The Barn Tea Room & Gift Shop

Since opening in 2019 The Barn has blossomed into a popular and busy destination for all. In keeping with the…

New Range of Toiletries - Lanloch Farm Gift Shop Lanark
Gift Shop
New Range of Gifts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum…

Planter full of flowers from our market garden
Market Garden
Langloch Farm Market Garden

The benefits of gardening and growing for mental health are well documented and at CCI it is a cornerstone of what we…

Lanloch Farm Lanark Nature Playground
Nature Play
Langloch Farm Nature Play

At Langloch Farm at CCI we are all about the play! Our stunning site in the Lanarkshire countryside naturally lends…

Langloch Farm woodcraft volunteer at work
Langloch Farm Woodcraft

Langloch Farm Woodcraft At Langloch Farm Woodcraft we provide the opportunity for people, many with complex support needs, to contribute…

Langloch Farm Botanics

Our Langloch Farm Botanics products are made on site in our Botanics Room by a team of CCI staff, participants…

Hanging Basket Workshop

Come join us for a hanging basket workshop where you can plant up your own 12″ or 14” rattan basket,…

CCI Scotland - Social Enterprise Lanloch Farm Lanark
About CCI Scotland
Board of Directors

Board of Directors CCI is governed by a Board of Directors made up of volunteers from the local area who…

Woodwork Participant Feedback
Woodwork Participant Feedback
Customer Feedback

“Bought four planters, they were great and an amazing price.”

Tea Room Quote
Customer Feedback

Latest Tearoom & Gift shop News

Gift Shop

New Range of Gifts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum…

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